Saturday, March 2, 2013

Measure Up!

We are wrapping up our measuring chapter in Math and I wanted to do some learning centers as a last assessment to see what they students get and what they're struggling with so I know what needs to be retaught before we take a test. Our chapter was on measurement including centimeters, inches, meters, millimeters, pounds, ounces, grams, kilograms. Then we were also starting the next chapter in advance so that the students would be familiar with the plane and 3D shapes on ISAT this week. 
We had five group:
Group 1: did measuring with grams (first set of pictures)
Group 2: measuring to the nearest inch/ft (last picture)
Group 3: liquid measurement 
Group 4: Quilt Quest- they built shapes out of the plane geometrical shapes they just learned about
Group 5: iPad's on a math app for 3rd grade

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