Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ecosystems Lapbook

The first subject I got to take over for my student teaching experience was Science. I wanted to deliver the information to them differently than what I had observed they'd been doing to see if it helped them remember the information better. I created an "Ecosystem Lapbook" where each student could store the important notes on each ecosystem as we learned about them. I made an example for the students to refer to as we assemble it. Here is the cover of mine:
The chapter in the book covers four types of forests, the desert, grasslands, and fresh/salt water ecosystems. For each ecosystem I designed a foldable that the students would use to record their notes. The purpose of doing this was so that the students could refer to the lapbook to know what to study for, for the formal assessment. 

At the end of the chapter the lapbooks will be collected to be checked and make sure each student was being responsible and doing what they were supposed to be doing and then returned so they can use them for studying. I created a rubric for the lapbook and it is here, if you are interested in using it!

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