Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Valentines Pictures

I wanted to get the kids pictures doing something fun for Valentines Day and have them hung up on their lockers before Parent-Teacher conferences. So today I got on the starboard and messed around for awhile and ended up making a background for the kids to stand infront of where hearts are "floating away" in a swirl like pattern. Then I had the kids stand infront of the StarBoard and they could either act like they were blowing the hearts, sneezing, or caughing. I added a little sparkle to the pictures and had them printed. I'm so thrilled with how cute they turned out:

The first one is of a kid sneezing and his face was priceless but of course had to cover it up!

I'm going to hang them on their lockers tomorrow after I laminate them! I also made a sign that says "Love & Germs are in the air" to go by the pictures! =]

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