Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Have I mentioned Mrs. Husted?

How crazy of me to have been spending time posting all these wonderful things I'm doing in the classroom and not give credit to the woman who's letting me do it all! Mrs. Husted is my cooperating teacher and she has been the best person I could have been paired up with. We are both learning things from one another and I couldn't have asked for a better mentor. She is so open for letting me try new things and is constantly telling me that I'll never discover what works for me if I don't try it! Besides her hospitality she has been spoiling me like crazy! She got me the lovely red border you can see around the door decoration on the post below. On top of that she got me heart shaped sticky-notes since we are constantly needing them && a whole pack of new sharpies!! I couldn't beleive it. THEN to top it all off, I came in on Friday morning and she had bought me a three-pack set of the Llama Llama books! Being assigned at this school and with this teacher has truly been a blessing!

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